China Open – Hubei Province, China
September 18, 2020 TO
September 20, 2020

Event Details
Lake Shengshui, Zhushan County, Hubei Province, China
From: September 18, 2020
To: September 20, 2020
Event Info
On September 18, the CHINA OPEN 2020 season opened in Shengshui Lake, Zhushan County, Hubei Province. 101 competitors participated from all over the country. This was the first national Kayak fishing contest since the COVID-19 quarantine.
The chairman of the China Angling Association and local government leaders were invited to attend the opening ceremony, which saw a vibrant performance given by the local community to celebrate the event.
The competition started at 8AM and lasted until 2PM in the afternoon on the 19th. The results were good as no anglers left empty handed..
The top 50 on the first day are as follows:
The next morning of the 20th the competition started again at 8:15AM. It was raining heavily and the temperature dropped 10 degrees (Celsius) from the previous. The spots where our anglers got results the day prior were vacated by the fish. Tang Zhangjie from the Sichuan Team (lead by Xiaohong Ma) scored well by selecting a position in the middle of the lake. The competition ended at 2:15PM.
Tang Zhangjie from Sichuan won the championship with a result of 467cm in two days. This was his 5th consecutive year of competing in the China Open and we are happy to see him succeed. He has also qualified to participate in the 9th World Championship in 2021 and won a cash prize of 30,000 RMB.